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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Download Linkedinfluence

Download Linkedinfluence


  1. As anyone Tried it and what you think about it ?

    Is anyone made money using any linkedin strategies ?

    Thanks !!

  2. I am curious about this myself. Anyone buy this one yet? And how does it work?

  3. I just finished going through it. It's a solid video based product. No transcripts or work sheets for those who prefer reading, but his e-book is a bonus also. There were enough tips in it that I consider my money well spent even though I already use LinkedIn extensively in my career.

    For many people on this board there is going to be no point in getting this product or in using LinkedIn at all. The atmosphere is just very very different. Now, if you're promoting services to offline businesses or your primary strategy is becoming an expert in something else b2b related, then it's worth considering.

  4. It's very very good. There are transcripts now as well.

    Really thorough look at using LinkedIn as a marketing tool. Maybe its for the more "businessy" of people on here though.

  5. i was also just recently recommended this program from a reputable source. has anyone else taken a look at this program and have further input on it?
