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Linkedinfluence 2 Review


Name: Linked Influence 2.0

Author: Lewis Howes - Speaker and Entrepreneur 

Price - 97$ /100% MoneyBackGuarantee

Type - Training Course

Bonus - Yes, 06 Books worth 335$

Hi, This post is Specially for those who is looking for Linkedinfluence 2 Review

What Is Linked Influence 2.0 ...???

this is the updated version of Linkedinfluence version 1.0

If you know already about Linkedinfluence just skip this on goto direct official link Download Linkedinfluence

Or Read Bellow Information  About Linkedinfluence 2

What is Linkedinfluence 2 :

  •  Linkedinflunce is Linkedin Training Course writen by Lewis Howes

For whom this is designed for :

  •  This is especially for those who are intrested to get maximum from the linkedinflunce
Linkedinfluence is a Advanced material or guide for the linkedin user's .
The linkedinfluence cource will be avalible in Pdf and Video format.

What is Linkedinfluence Contains :

The linkedinfluence course Contains / divided into 4 parts

  1. In this part the author Lewis Howes  ecribed abou the starting point that is how to getstarting with your profil .By maintaing the perfect profile you will get good impression.it will help a lot gain impression on the visiters.and what are the advantages in the linkedin .and to utilize the linkedinfluence.
  2. In this part he decribed about the "Creating groups" And joning the members to the group .and how to convert the to you customers.Small tip to get in contact with your members : i think it is well known By you...Building List (email list) .Don't send them the unnessary mails...the will become aginest  to you.
  3. Third Module - This is the main turning point of this guide .it will train you to get next level to your business .you will knows the how to use the live events to your biz .
  4. Fourth Module - This is the last part .i think when you came to this module you will be the first class Linkedin Member with great following.you can turn your visiters to your niche site.it should be intresting to the visiters whom you want sell the product .learn to maintain the visiter/buyer ratio less than 100:1  .and this part tells ou to create the testimoniels and intresting videos.


Lewis Howes launched his first product as "Linked Influence", after all recently launched the New "Linked Influence 2.0", What is the differentiate of those products actually same name but suffix got some number like 2.0. Actually Lewis says LinkedInfluence is abeginner guide to enhance their social business on search engines, Linked Influence 2.0 is Ultimate pro marketing on LinkedIn. but all are same cost. So you can get the LinkedInfluence 2.0.



Bonus :

yeah ! Lewis Howes dedicated 6 learning packages to enhance your knowledge more with LinkedIn and Twitter (Other social media also). How ever it's very important bonuses too so don't miss it.

Some Things You Should Know Before Purchasing :

The videos were good quality, as was the audio. There were a handful of instances in the videos where the screen capture software zoomed in and Lewis’ mouse and discussion is an area that is out of view of the camera, not a big deal. In fact, Lewis does an excellent job engaging the viewer and covers the material at a good pace.
The course in it’s current state provides no ability to purchase DVDs, or download media, or hook it up to a podcast channel so it can go on a portable media device. I had to watch the video in the browser and at normal speed. Not sure what Lewis’ plans are, but if I had my choice I would download them and watch at 1.5x-2.0x.

Some of the Questions Your thinking about ?:

Q: What we will  learn from this Linkedinfluence?
A: You will learn how to get more leads, traffic and sales using the world’s largest professional networking site… LinkedIn. You will also learn how to get the job of your dreams, promote live and virtual events and “fill your stadium”, network with high level investors and decision makers, build large targeted communities with groups, and much more.

About The Author  

Entrepreneur,Online Marketing automator. Author.Reviewer, Educating and coaching others in their online business endeavors. Here's his Linkedin profile .


  1. Digital Marketing DudeNovember 2, 2012 at 2:28 AM

    I love LinkedIn. It has opened many doors for me and it is usually the number one site that comes up when someone searches my name. (sometimes its Facebook, but usually LinkedIn).

    Great interview!

    1. Always good to hear from you Peter. LinkedIn is powerful, and the fact that they are gearing up to go public means they are becoming even more viable!

  2. Thanks for sharing this post with us. It's really an amazing post. Keep posting the good work in future too.

  3. Great interview. What program do you use to create your videos?

  4. Great interview with Lewis.....he is the man when it comes to Linkedin!

    Really enjoyed seeing how you put together your video interviews. Nice touch with the subtle background music. Also, the animation at the end is awesome!! Wonder if you could share what software you used to put that together?

  5. Thanks for the great tips…will definitely use them;-)
